Online Business Manager + Systems Strategist

How you work matters.

When you work with intention, you create impact.

Here’s what I see.

You are an incredibly conscientious individual who has committed to sharing your gifts with the world. In doing so, you follow your intuition and your natural creative energy.

Honoring your creative spirit is how you ensure your work remains intentional and grounded in truth, and yet you have reached a point where you are beginning to wonder if there is a level of support and structure that could honor your individuality AND relieve some of the unrelenting pressure that has started to feel like a grind.

Well, that’s where I come in!

I don’t believe in setting up the same copy-paste formula and system for each of my clients. Rather, my main objective is to get to know you, understand what energizes you, what drains you, and how we can get you back into operating from your zone of genius. 

It’s from this place of deep understanding, continual inquiry, and endless empathy that we then create a highly personalized system that supports your creativity and ultimately leads you to the freedom you seek.

Are you ready to grow your business with someone who cares about it as much as you do?

My name is Jillian, and I’m a Certified Online Business Manager for conscious entrepreneurs.

If you've gone pretty far on your own, but the next evolution of your business requires savvy and experienced support, then I’d love to connect!



About Me


Work Together

Kind Words